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About our members!

So I asked for people to nominate or volunteer for these blog posts and guess what someone nominated me. So I figured why not and maybe that will show people what we are wanting to do and get the ball rolling! So these are just going to be basic membership bios with some fun information and even some pictures!

Me ALONG time ago

So me........ My name is Mariah Williams and I have been around bikes well basically since the day I was born. I have been a member of Richland County ABATE from the start. Missed a couple of years there in the middle because well life and an amazing boyfriend & growing children who needed a lot of time! I am serving on the board currently as the Safety & Education Director. Which is amazing! There is no better feeling than educating the next group of drivers as they are just getting on the road. Its such a huge part of what we are trying to do with ABATE. Education on a subject that many of these kids have never had any experience with is just one of the great things that we are about! If I can get one teenager to maybe take that second look or slow down behind that bike then just maybe that will be one less accident! I am also currently nominated for a few more offices and hope to serve in those positions to my fullest ability!

My Boys

As I said above I have 2 amazing boys. Who are growing into amazing young adults. My oldest is finally old enough to join us and he has! My youngest isn't old enough to become a member just yet but he comes to meetings and to every event he can! Raising them with the knowledge of the motorcycle community and an awareness of what can happen has been a great accomplishment. It not only opened their eyes to a world of acceptance but also gave them a whole added family. My oldest rides a scooter and yes we give him a bit of a hard time! But looks forward to purchasing his first "real" bike soon. My youngest wants something fast and loud! And his love for vintage cars will most likely carry over into bikes very quickly! They are the next generation of what "bikers" look like and who we work to keep rights and freedoms for!

I love working with all the members of ABATE to accomplish so much! But when I do have free time I love to take pictures which doesn't happen as much as I would like but hey life calls right!

My moms barn. Photo by ME

Well this is a bit about me so now hopefully a few others will get there information out to me and we can introduce the whole world to the members of Richland County ABATE and have them all join us!!!

Please feel free to contact us with any questions! We would love to have you join us!!!!!!

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