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Are you from Richland County or Lawrence or Clay or Edwards or.... Ok ok ok yeah you get my point!! Here is the deal! If you don't know who we are well you probably should! If you ride a motorcycle or a 4 wheeler or a ATV of any kind or know someone who does then you should continue reading if however you live in a cave with no one then I am not sure how at this point your even seeing this but.......

we aren't for you......

so turn around........

don't look back.........

and leave now..........

We will suck you in and never let go!! The first time you ride down the highway or fly through the woods you will be hooked! You will get a taste of pure freedom for the first time probably in you life! And you wont want to let go......


Yep I see you! Ok then we do want you to join us!

The reason we are who we are and we need you is because we FIGHT for you and your rights and your freedoms!

That however is not us fighting anyone because well that's AWESOME and we do it by fighting beside politicians which honestly is not that cool at all! But we get stuff done!

We are the only Motorcycle Rights Organization (MRO) in Illinois that lobbies local, state, and federal policy makers for you. We want to protect your needs, rights, and freedoms!

We have defeated 55 mandatory helmet bills in this state! We are not anti helmet by any means but we also don't think that anyone should force you to not get bugs in your hair, teeth, and generally all over your face! It's your right to pick up some extra protein on your ride down the highway and we are here to help protect that right!!

We have worked to protect your rights to ride your 4 wheeler or drive your ATVS on trails that were made for doing just that! Seems crazy but people want to take those rights away and we won't sit back and just let them, we will fight!

Ok so I am sure you are sitting there thinking well that's AWESOME you guys are doing all the work and I get to enjoy the fruits of your labor! ( I have always wanted to use that saying but the time was never right!!) And yes you can enjoy those rights I mean that's the whole reason we fight. But we WANT YOU! And we need you! Why....

Because as much as I would like to say I smile at the law makers and they just vote my way that's not how it happens! Your dues are what keep us going and keep us working towards amazing things!!

Yep I did it I brought up money! Now I am a very reasonable person (STOP LAUGHING) and don't want you to just give me your money. Wait.......... maybe I do............ Just kidding! Your dues get you not only us working with the politicians so you don't have to they also get you a whole bunch of other great benefits!!!

Dues work as follows:

Single person is $25 a year or 5 years for $100..... yep I can do the math as well so your first benefit is a free year if you sign up for 5! Two people can sign up together as long as they have the same mailing address and its only $45 for a year or $180 for 5 years .... again a free year for both of you! You as get an accidental death/dismemberment policy.... cheapest policy EVER, monthly newsletter from the state with all kinds of motorcycle and ATV events throughout the year, yearly patches, and a bumper sticker, PLUS we can even help you make a will..... access to legal help.... fun meetings and so many other things that I can't list them all. And well the best one of all is you get the satisfaction of knowing your helping protect the rights of all future generations to come.

So you ask how do I sign up NOW!!!!!!

Well that's easy! There is one down fall you must be 18 so all of you excited children who wanted to join go tell your parents!!! Just click the link on this website that says JOIN NOW and shoot us a message. We will get you the application and you fill it out ( Or I will help..... yes I know its sooooo HARD to write your name and address) and BAM just like that your are in! Your one of us! Your family! You belong!.... I will stop Now! I just couldn't help myself!

You can always check out our meetings page and come meet us face to face and get more information that way...... We can't wait to hear from you!!!!b

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